The New Moderator
presenting Dr. John Douglas with a
citation to recognise his thirty
seven years as clerk of Presbytery.
From left to right: Rev. James Beggs,
Dr. John Douglas, Mr. Eric Graham,
Rev. Ron Johnstone Moderator of
Presbytery, Rev. Thomas Martin, Mr.
David Brown (Treasurer of
A SERVICE of recognition was held recently in Lisburn
Free Presbyterian Church to mark the retirement of Dr. John
Douglas as Clerk of Presbytery, a position he has held for
thirty seven years.
At the evening service the New Moderator, the Rev. Ron
Johnstone, presented Dr. Douglas with a Citation to
recognise his years of service to the Presbytery and all the
Mr. David Brown (Treasurer of Presbytery) thanked Dr.
Douglas on behalf of the Presbytery for the faithful
discharge of his duties as Clerk and presented him with a
gift in appreciation of his labours
Also present was Rev. James Beggs, who paid personal
tribute to the tremendous influence and wise counsel of Dr.
Douglas throughout the years of his Clerkship.
On behalf of the Congregation of Lisburn Mr. Eric Graham
(Clerk of Session) thanked him for his faithful service both
in the office of Clerk and as senior minister of the
congregation and offered prayer for God's blessing on his
continued ministry in Lisburn. The Moderator preached a
stirring message on the Fellowship of the Church at
Philippi. A very large crowd remained behind for supper
which was provided by some of the ladies and their husbands
of the congregation.

From left to
right: Mr & Mrs David Brown.
Rev. & Mrs John Douglas. Rev. &
Mrs Ron Johnstone. Rev. & Mrs
Thomas Martin. Rev. & Mrs James