The twenty-eight young people confirmed at a
Confirmation Service in St Malachy's Parish Church,
Hillsborough last Sunday morning (13th January) are
pictured with L to R: (centre) Revd Simon Richardson
- Curate Assistant, Rt Revd Harold Miller - Bishop
of Down and Dromore and Johnny Beare - Youth
Minister. Also included are Elizabeth Bell -
People's Churchwarden (left) and Angela Ballentine -
Rector's Churchwarden (right). |
Twenty-eight young people were confirmed by the Rt Revd Harold
Miller, Bishop of Down and Dromore, at a Confirmation Service in
St Malachy's Parish Church, Hillsborough on Sunday 13th January.
The Revd Simon Richardson, Curate Assistant, led the service.
The candidates confirmed were: Neill Allen, Joshua Baird, Tom
Beatty, Colin Boyd, Kirsty Campbell, Jonathan Houston, Hanna
Kelso, Sophie Kelso, Victoria Kirkwood, Katherine McCurdy, Mark
McCurdy, Nick McKelvey, Emma McMurray, Alex Mercer, Gareth
Mercer, Jill Mercer, Kathryn Mercer, Andrew Mitchell, Ellen
Morrison, Katie Reid, David Seeds, Callum Spence, Kathryn Warke,
Robbie Warke, Ben Warwick, Henry Watt, Laura Williams and Luke
Candidates Mark and Katherine McCurdy
are pictured with their parents Dermott and Angela
at a Confirmation Service in St Malachy's Parish
Church, Hillsborough on Sunday 13th January. |
Candidate Tom Beatty is pictured with his parents
David and Nicola at a Confirmation Service in St
Malachy's Parish Church, Hillsborough on Sunday 13th
January. |
Tom Morwood presided on the organ and together with the Church
Choir and Praise Band led the worship of hymns that included
'Purify my heart', 'How deep the Father's love' and 'Holy
Spirit, come, confirm us'.
Callum Spence read the Old Testament lesson; Jill Mercer read
the New Testament lesson; Katherine McCurdy and Tom Beatty gave
their testimonies; and Matt and Elspeth Flenley led the closing
Speaking of ONE Church, TWO Births, THREE persons of the Trinity
and FOUR corners of the earth, Bishop Harold Miller gave a
challenging and thought provoking address to the candidates. He
said, 'One thing I know about all 28 of you is that you have
been baptised. God has made a claim on your lives and you are
responding to that claim. Today you will make your baptismal
promises your own as you promise to be Christ's forever. The 28
of you are to be the 'Matthew 28 people', going out with the
Good News of Christ to the world and bringing others to be
baptised and discipled as well. For many people baptism is a
dangerous thing, it can lead to them being cut off from their
family or being threatened ' or even to death'. The Bishop
concluded, 'Always value your Baptism, which you are confirming
today, and know that Christ will never leave or forsake you'.
Youth Minister Johnny Beare, who provided much of the Christian
teaching for the young people, presented them for confirmation
and spoke of the need for the church to get behind them and
support them in the life changing vows they were to make that
day. Confirming the candidates, the Bishop prayed that the Lord,
with His heavenly grace, would continue to be with them and that
they would daily increase in His Holy Spirit proclaiming by word
and example the good news of God in Christ.
Candidates Mark and Katherine McCurdy
are pictured with their parents Dermot and Angela at
a Confirmation Service in St Malachy's Parish
Church, Hillsborough on Sunday 13th January with
their parents Dermott and Angela. Included in the
picture are Johnny Beare - Youth Minister (left) and
the Rt Revd Harold Miller - Bishop of Down and
Dromore and Revd Simon Richardson - Curate Assistant
(right). |
Candidate Tom Beatty is pictured with his parents
David and Nicola at a Confirmation Service in St
Malachy's Parish Church, Hillsborough on Sunday 13th
January. Included in the picture are Johnny Beare -
Youth Minister (left) and the Rt Revd Harold Miller
- Bishop of Down and Dromore and Revd Simon
Richardson - Curate Assistant (right). |