At morning worship in
Christ Church Parish last Sunday (24th
February) are L to R: Roger Murphy
(Evangelist), Rev Paul Dundas (Rector), Rev
Diane Matchett (Curate), Rev John Pickering
(the new Senior Minister) and Rev Paul Hoey
Morning Worship and Evening Celebration last Sunday (24th
February) brought nine days of outreach entitled 'Connect' at
Christ Church Parish to a successful conclusion. Other events
and services included: A Barn Dance, Kids Club each afternoon,
Lunchtime Concert, Chocolate Heaven night for ladies, a Soul
Food Caf' for teenagers and adults each evening, an Activities
Night (with lasers) for teenagers and men and a Family Fun day
last Saturday afternoon (23rd February) with special guests the
Mayor and Mayoress.
Morning worship last Sunday was led by the Rector the Rev Paul
Dundas assisted by the Rev Diane Matchett (Curate) and the Rev
John Pickering (the new Senior Minister). Also taking part were
the mission team - Roger Murphy, Rev Paul Hoey, John O'Neill and
Karen Webb. The praise was led by Symington Memorial Silver
Band, conducted by Mr Ernie Hewitt.

Memorial Silver Band, conducted
by Mr Ernie Hewitt (left at
back) led the praise at morning
worship in Christ Church Parish
last Sunday (24th February).