Captain John O'Neill. |
Karen Webb |
THE countdown in the Parish of Christ Church Lisburn to
their nine days of outreach 'Connect' is almost there as
they begin with a Barn Dance tomorrow (Saturday) evening at
7.30pm in the Church Hall.
There then follows many events and services which are
geared at times to specific age groups such as the Kids Club
each weekday afternoon from 3.30pm with Captain John O'Neill
and Karen Webb from the Church Army and a drop in Soul Food
Caf� for those at secondary level education at the same
Many events will attract people of all ages from the barn
dance, to Sunday worship, to the Bowls fun night on Monday
and the Family Fun Day on Saturday from 1-5pm when there
will be bouncy castles, circus tricks, a BBQ, and displays
from the Police and Fire Service. The Mayor of Lisburn will
also be present at the Family Fun Day.
For people who enjoy music a number of events are
arranged from the Tuesday Lunchtime Concert at 1.15pm with
Alan McClure, Symington Memorial Silver Band on Sunday
February 24 at 11.30am and the weeknight programme concludes
with Northern Ireland's latest singing sensations, the
fantastic Leading Ladies on Friday February 22 at 7.30pm for
Friday Night Live.
People are asked to contact the Office at 028 92 673271
to make a booking for 'The Leading Ladies' as admission will
be by ticket only and tickets are limited.
At all events during the nine days, Roger Murphy, who is
the evangelist, will give a presentation of the Christian
faith ably supported by Canon Paul Hoey, John O'Neill and
Karen Webb and the Parish staff.
There will be a Thank Offering at each event for the work
and witness of Connect.
Full details of all the events during Connect are on the
Church's website:
www.christchurchlisburn.com or by contacting the Rector
at 9266 2163.