Members of the 40th
Northern Ireland Girls'
Brigade Dunmurry
Presbyterian enjoy a
Teddy Bear's Picnic in
Lady Dixon Park in the
early 1990s.
MEMBERS of the 40th Northern Ireland
Girls' Brigade Dunmurry Presbyterian, past and present, will
be joining together to celebrate the 60th Anniverary of the
organisation on May4.
Captain of the GB, Margaret McDonald, who
is also this year celebrating her 20th year as Captain, is
hoping that former members can come along to the celebration
event to catch up with old friends and bring along any old
pictures of the Brigade.
Margaret is also hoping that readers can
help to spread the word of the celebrations so that as many
former members as possible can come along and reminisce.
A number of events have been organised to
celebrate the Anniversary, with a Display being held on
Friday May 2, when old uniforms and badges will be on
The Service of Thanksgiving, which will
be held in Dunmurry Presbyterian Church Hall at 7pm on May 4
will see Roses Lane End Flute Band leading the Service,
which will be conducted by Rev. John Braithwaite and Rev.
John Parkes, the Chaplain of the Girls' Brigade Northern
Ireland. A supper will be held after the ceremony. Margaret
commented, "The Service of Thanksgiving is a time to
celebrate 60 years and a time for people to come and reflect
over the years. It is all about people enjoying themselves
and meeting up and reminiscing."

Anyone who
may have any old photographs
or who would like any
further information can
contact Margaret on 028
92587065 or email