Some of our local churches will hold Easter morning 'Dawn
Services' in remembrance of the first Easter morning when Mary
Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb and how
following a violent earthquake, an angel of the Lord came down
from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and
sat on it and said to the women, 'do not be afraid, for I know
you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he
has risen'; and also how Jesus appeared to them as they hurried
away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, to tell the
disciples of the good news.
Why not set an early alarm this Easter Sunday morning and enjoy
the fun and fellowship of early morning worship with one of our
local churches, the times and venues for the dawn services are
as follows:
Christ Church Parish
Organised by the Youth Fellowship, the members of Christ
Church Parish will hold a Dawn Service in Hillsborough Forest
Park at 6.30am, followed afterwards by a service and breakfast
in the Parish Hall and morning worship in the church at 11.30am.
First Lisburn Presbyterian
Members of First Lisburn Presbyterian Church will hold an Easter
Sunrise Service in Lady Dixon Park at 7.30pm followed by a light
breakfast in the church at 8.30pm and morning worship in the
church at 11.00pm.
Hillsborough Parish, Hillsborough Presbyterian and Seymour
Street Methodist
The congregations of Hillsborough Parish, Hillsborough
Presbyterian and Seymour Street Methodist will hold a united
Dawn Service in Hillsborough Forest Park at 7.00am. The early
morning service will be followed by morning worship at
Hillsborough Parish at 10.30am, Hillsborough Presbyterian Church
at 10.30am and Seymour Street Methodist at 11.30am.
Railway Street Presbyterian
Members of Railway Street Presbyterian will hold their Dawn
Service in the manse garden, 31 Magheralave Road, at 7.00am
followed by breakfast in the manse. Morning worship will be held
in the church hall at 10.30am and the title of the Rev Brian
Gibson's address will be 'The Lord is risen'.
Dunmurry Churches
Dunmurry Churches Together (Dunmurry Presbyterian, Dunmurry
(Non-subscribing), St Anne's Roman Catholic Church and St
Colman's Parish) are holding an Easter Dawn service at 6.00am in
Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park, entrance by the second gate
coming from Dunmurry Lane. Breakfast afterwards in St Anne's
Parish Centre. All welcome.