important milestone in the history of Railway Street
Presbyterian Church will be celebrated on Sunday 25th May at
6.30pm at a special 'Evening of Praise' commemorating the
introduction of instrumental music, which was introduced into
the service of the Church when an organ was installed in the
year 1908. The service, which will be held in the newly
refurbished church, will follow a Senior Members' Tea served in
the church hall by the church's pastoral care and friendship
visitors. The minister, the Rev Brian Gibson, will lead the
service and the Church Choir, under the leadership of Janet
Ferguson, Director of Music, will lead the praise. The guest
organist will be the Rev Dr Jack Richardson MBE, Minister
Emeritus of Hillhall Presbyterian Church.
The first organ installed in Railway Street, was dedicated on
16th February 1908 and at this date hymns and the children's
address were first introduced. These introductions must have
been at that time, absolutely revolutionary. In the Annual
Report following the installation of the organ, the third
minister of Railway Street, the Rev R W Hamilton reported 'in
spite of a depressing winter owing to the depression of
business, an organ was introduced to help to lead us in our
Service of praise. Many had long wished for this and their
patience was rewarded. It is a matter for special thanksgiving
that those among us who had no desire for such an instrument,
and some, perhaps, who had disliked it, have in admirable
Christian spirit acquiesced in the general wish, so that the
peace and unity of the congregation have in no way suffered'.
However, the first organ, proving inadequate, was replaced in
January 1914 by the present pneumatic action pipe organ built by
the Leeds organ building firm of J. J. Binns. It was presented
to Railway Street Presbyterian Church by Mr James Crossin J.P.,
of Massereene Villas, Lisburn. It is perhaps also worth noting
that in 1899, nine years before the introduction of the first
organ, Mr James Crossin, J.P., generously offered an American
organ for use in the Church in the service of praise, but some
objected and to the regret of many, this offer was not accepted.