L to R: Michael Johnston,
David Brattle, Rev Kenneth McGrath, Jennifer
Neill and Michael Wright who abseiled down
the Europa Hotel, Belfast on Saturday 27th
September to raise funds for Lisburn
Lisburn Cathedral Vicar, the Rev Kenneth McGrath and
congregation members Michael Johnston, David Brattle,
Jennifer Neill and the Rector's son Michael Wright braved
perilous heights, cold winds and being photographed from
unflattering angles to walk down the front of the Europa
Hotel, Belfast hanging onto a rope to raise money for the
church building fund. Five went up and thankfully five came
down safely with the Vicar achieving the fastest time of
just 1minute and 8 seconds.
The team remind members of the congregation and their
friends that if anyone has not sponsored them yet that it
still not to late to do so - sponsorship forms are available
at the church.
Michael Johnston pictured going
over the top of the Europa Hotel on Saturday
27th September to raise funds for Lisburn
Cathedral. |
Lisburn Cathedral Vicar, the Rev
Kenneth McGrath pictured clocking up the fastest
time of just 1minute and 8 seconds as he abseils
down the Europa Hotel, Belfast on Saturday 27th
September to raise funds for Lisburn Cathedral.