At the Family
Service are L to R: Councillor Ronnie Crawford
(Mayor), Mrs Jean Crawford (Mayoress), Mr John
Connor (Clerk of Session), Mrs Jean Jamieson, the
Rev Paul Jamieson, Mrs Sally Richardson and
the Rev
Dr Jack Richardson MBE.
The Mayor and Mayoress, Councillor
Ronnie Crawford and his wife Jean were the special guests at
a Family Service in Hillhall Presbyterian Church on Sunday
afternoon 21st December. They were welcomed on
behalf of congregation by Mr John Connor, Clerk of Session,
who spoke of his delight to see a full house for this unique
service, which has been held since around the time the
church was built in 1902. The Rev Paul Jamieson, who is
enjoying his first Christmas as the new minister of Hillhall
Presbyterian Church, conducted the service.
Mr Jamieson was installed here in February 2008 in
succession to
the Rev Dr Jack Richardson MBE, who retired in
December 2006 and who together with his wife Sally and
family also attended the service renewing many happy
Mrs Maxine McConaghy presided on the
organ and Claire Mitchell on piano and together with the
Hillhall Praise Group led the hearty festive singing of
carols that included: 'Silent Night' and 'The first Noel'.
Leah Jamieson accompanied by her father (the minister) on
piano sang 'Joseph's Song'.
In a children's address entitled 'Sweet
Christmas', Mr Jamieson spoke of
Mary who heard a WISPA from an angel saying that she
would be the mother of God's son. As she was not yet
married to Joseph, she knew that she would be the TOPIC
of conversation. Joseph and Mary made the MARATHON
journey to Bethlehem where the baby was born. That night,
some shepherds, and DRIFTERS, heard TUNES in
the sky and decided to take a break (KIT- KAT) and
went and found the TRIO - Joseph, Mary and Jesus.
They were UNITED in their wonder and REVELled
at the thought that this child was special - the LION
of Judah. It was getting late (AFTER EIGHT) so the
shepherds returned to the hills. Meanwhile in a far
country, some SMARTIES (wise men) were busily
scanning the GALAXY when they saw a star near the
MILKY WAY - was it MARS? No it was a special
STAR - signalling the birth of a King. They travelled
and reached Herod's Palace and were not embarrassed to
HOBNOB with royalty. Herod tried to FUDGE the
issue by saying that he wanted to go and worship the baby -
and told the wise men to report to him on their way back.
The wise men travelled until the found Jesus and offered
their BOUNTY - GOLD, frankincense, and myrrh.
God warned them in a dream that Herod was up to his TWIX
and seeking the child's life; so they took TIME OUT
and returned by another route. Mr Jamieson concluded,
'Jesus was born so that ALLSORTS of people might know
God's love for them. Many people are looking for meaning
and purpose - some kind of REFRESHER in life - a
BOOST in difficult times. The Christmas Story really is
cause for CELEBRATION - Jesus is no MINATURE HERO'.
In a challenging festive sermon
entitled 'Zechariah's Story', Mr Jamieson
spoke of the importance of knowing the amazing God and of
the need to respond in worship, admiration and humble
submission, making Jesus Lord of our lives and receiving the
salvation of Jesus Christ at this Christmas time.
Ulster Star