The church choir, conducted by
Julie Bell pictured singing 'Jesu, joy of man's
desiring' at the Advent Carol Service in
Hillsborough Parish Church.
The Mayor, Councillor Ronnie
Crawford looks on as Erin Mulholland switches on
the Christmas tree lights.
Erin Mulholland and the Mayor, Councillor Ronnie Crawford,
watched by a large crowd switched on the Christmas tree lights
at Hillsborough last Sunday night (30th November).
The evening began most appropriately with an Advent Carol
Service in Hillsborough Parish Church led by the Rector, the Rev
Simon Richardson. The church choir, conducted by the recently
appointed organist Julie Bell with former organist Phillip
Elliott presiding at the three-manual Snetzler organ, led the
festive praise with Bible readings by Lesley Harvey, Robert
Lucas, Arvon Williams and Elizabeth Law.
After the church service, members of the congregation made the
short journey to the village for a short act of worship at the
Christmas tree led by the Rev John Davey, minister of
Hillsborough Presbyterian Church and the Rev Simon Richardson,
Rector of Hillsborough Parish. Third Carrick Band and children
from local schools led the singing of Christmas carols - 'Once
in Royal David's City', 'O little town of Bethlehem', 'Silent
Night', and 'Hark the herald angels sing'.
Patrick Knowles, Chairman of Hillsborough Village and District
Committee thanked all who took part in the service and gave a
special thanks to the representatives from Lisburn City Council
who decorated the tree and provided a stage, lighting and audio
equipment. After the switching on of the Christmas tree lights
everyone enjoyed tea and mince pies in the parish church halls
supplied by Hillsborough Village and District Committee.
L to R: Patrick Knowles (Chairman
of Hillsborough Village and District Committee),
Councillor Ronnie Crawford (Mayor), Mrs Jean
Crawford (Mayoress), the Rev Simon Richardson
(Hillsborough Parish) and his daughter Erin, and
the Rev John Davey (Hillsborough Presbyterian).
William McKeown, William Donaghy
and Desmond Topping, representatives from
Lisburn City Council who decorated the Christmas
tree and provided a stage, lighting and audio
Ulster Star