Local congregations united in prayer..
The recently beautifully restored Castle Gardens in wall to wall
glorious sunshine was the idyllic setting for many members of
local congregations to enjoy an Inter-Church Picnic and Prayer
event last Sunday afternoon (Pentecost Sunday). Linked to the
Global Day of Prayer which was held in a number of other venues
in the Province and in many countries worldwide, the event was
led by Lisburn city centre ministers and included prayers of
adoration, confession, for the Church, for our community, our
land and the nations of our world. Each prayer was followed by a
suitable interpretation or response.
The lively open air worship was led by Christ Church Praise Band
with David Honeyford (Zest Audio) and his team provided the
sound mixing facility. The Night Reach team from Railway Street
Presbyterian Church were on hand to offer free light
refreshments to those who had not managed to pack a picnic.