Pictured above are children who
took part in the �Jesus Christmas Party� at the
Nativity Service in First Lisburn Presbyterian
Church on Sunday 21st December.
At a Nativity Service in First Lisburn Presbyterian Church on
Sunday 21st December the Sunday School children presented a
�Jesus Christmas Party� reminding us of the real reason for the
season. During the nativity there were two congregational
singings, �See Him lying in a bed of straw� and �Come and join
the celebration� when a birthday cake was presented to the baby
Jesus and all members of the congregation really did join in the
celebration as they too each received a piece of birthday cake.
The service was conducted by the minister, the Rev John
Brackenridge, who paid special thanks to the Sunday School team
who organised the programme and also thanked the communications
& sound team and the stagers and set builders who transformed
the whole front of the church into a Christmas card scene.
Also during the service, the fourth Sunday of advent, the
children lit four advent candles - the first (Hope), the second
(Peace), the third (Joy) and the fourth candle (Love), further
reminding us of the birth of Jesus Christ, who brings Hope,
Peace, Joy and Love at this wonderful Christmas time.
Ulster Star