Chairman and Officers L to R: (seated)
Latifa McCullagh (Captain), the Rev Angus
McCullough (Chairman) and Joanne Moore
(Guest of Honour). (back row) Officers -
Evette Boyes, Alison Close, Elaine Henning,
Karen McCoy, Madeline McCoy and Dorothy
Magheragall Girls� Brigade 64th Annual Display was held
last Friday and Saturday evening (14th and 15th March) in
Magheragall Presbyterian Church. The chairman, the Rev Angus
McCullough welcomed everyone to the display and gave a
special welcome to the guest of honour who on Friday evening
was Joanne Moore, a past officer of the company and on
Saturday evening was Angie McKee who works with CEF (Child
Evangelism Fellowship). On Friday evening the Junior Section
presented a cheque for �250 to Christine Murdock on behalf
of Open Doors; the money was raised doing jobs round the
home, baking, selling buns in school, and a group made craft
items which they sold at their school sale
In her report, the Captain, Latifa McCullagh, recalled that
in September they commenced the year with 69 girls and 10
officers and was delighted to welcome back previous members
and also many new girls. In September, Jill Belshaw finished
her officer training and Joanne Wallace, Rachel Greer and
Louise McCullagh commenced their officer training. Nicola
Mairs and Laura McFarland started working for their Sub
Officer training and Nicola Mairs and Alison McCullough
started to work for the Queen�s Award. During the year the
girls entered a number of District competitions - the
Juniors came second in Team Games and Junior Marching. In
the District craft competition a number of girls gained
certificates. Also, during the year the girls worked for a
variety of badges - Juniors did cookery and fund raising for
the charity �Open Doors�; Seniors and Brigaders painted a
large wall hanging on �heroes� and looked into bullying and
internet security, completed the GB scripture course and
learnt dances from different countries. Latifa also reported
that during the annual GB week collection, the girls raised
�2,250 and that �300, was raised when the Juniors, Seniors
and Brigaders went carol singing last Christmas, the money
is being split between Action Cancer and Project Gateway in
South Africa. She went on to thank all the officers for
their help during the year, saying that without their time,
dedication and commitment, there would be no Girls� Brigade
company in Magheragall and concluded by giving a special
thanks to the parents for sending the girls along so neat
and tidy each week.
The theme for the display was �Heroes� and the excellent
programme included: When I�m 64, Listen & play and Miniature
Heroes - Tinies; Let�s follow the leader, Biblical heroes
and Girl Power - Exploreres; A hero called Rahab, Superman
and Marching - Juniors; PE Heroes, Villians & Heroes and PE
so much love to give - Seniors; A question of sport and I�m
holding out for a hero - Brigaders; Hospital Heroes -
Officers. The seasonal finale entitled �He ROSE�, presented
by the entire company, told the Palm Sunday story in song
and drama; the pianist was Emma Collin.
Madeline McCoy (left) and Dorothy McCullough, joint
winners of the Officer�s Cup. |
Latifa McCullagh (Captain) pictured with Senior
Minister, the Rev Robert Larmour. |