Nigel Adams was commissioned to the office of Parish Reader for
the Parish of Magheragall at a Service of Commission in the
Church of the Epiphany, Finaghy on Sunday 11th May. Also
commissioned were - Mr Alan Devers (Ballywillan Parish, Portrush)
and Mr Victor Stephens (Upper Malone Parish). Ballymacash
Rector, the Rev Canon George Irwin (Warden of Readers), led the
service assisted by the Rev Nicholas Dark (Magheragall), Revd
Peter McDowell (Ballywillan) and Revd Garth Bunting (Upper
Malone) who also presented their three candidates for
Canon Irwin conducted the act of commissioning and in his
address he reminded the congregation that today (Pentecost
Sunday) was the Birthday of the Church when the Holy Spirit came
upon the apostles sending them out to transform the world. He
said that the commissioning of three new Parish Readers was a
significant occasion not just for the three parishes represented
but also for the whole Diocese of Connor. He challenged the
newly commissioned Parish Readers to be stewards of the ministry
of God and to be filled with the grace of God emphasising the
need for them to first and foremost - be people with a calling
to the daily work of Jesus Christ in accordance with His
commission to make disciples of all nations. Canon Irwin
concluded by calling on members of the parishes to remember them
constantly in their prayers and do everything to assist them.
Communicating to his parishioners, Magheragall Rector, the Rev
Nicholas Dark, said of Mr Adams�s appointment, � I am sure you
would join with me in wishing Nigel God�s blessing in this new
role and ensuring him of our prayers, support and encouragement
as he, trusting in God�s call, steps into this new role within
the church family�.
Many parishioners from Magheragall Parish travelled to the
Finaghy service to wish Nigel well as he takes on this new
position at Magheragall where he has served as Churchwarden for
the past three years.