MISSION worker, who used to live in Lisburn, will be the
Guest Preacher at a Mission being conducted in the joint
Presbyterian Charge of Drumlough and Anahilt Congregations
In April, Billy Patterson will be coming home to share the
Good News.
Billy who went to Carr Primary started plumbing in 1958
and got married to Pat in 1969. They were members of Sloan
Street Presbyterian for many years.
In 1984 the couple joined the Irish Mission, a branch of
the Presbyterian Church that seeks to bring the Gospel to
people all over Ireland.
They moved to Kilkenny and for 20 years served the Lord
there, seeing much fruit and blessing. Together with Rev
John Woodside, the church there grew from a handful of
people to a point where in excess of 200 people were
in worship on Sunday mornings.
Similar growth is occurring now in Drogheda, where Billy
and John continue to work as a tried and tested team. They
have been there since 2004 and in church on Sunday mornings
over 150 people gather with 15 nationalities represented.
Indeed, there has been so much growth that the present
church building is too small and they hope to erect a new
building which will accommodate the increasing numbers of
It is a joy for the two congregations to have Billy
Patterson be the Guest Preacher at the forthcoming Mission,
in Anahilt from April 14-20 and in Drumlough from April
21-27. If anyone would like further information, they are
invited to contact Rev Gary Glasgow, Minister, on 9268 2394.