days of Christian outreach entitled 'Rise & Shine' will be
held in Magheragall Parish Church from Saturday 1st March
until Sunday 9th March. The title for the Mission was taken
from Isaiah 60:1 'Arise, Jerusalem, and shine like the sun;
the glory of the Lord is shining on you' and the programme
is designed to share the good news of Jesus Christ within
our church family and throughout the community.
Roger Murphy |
Paul Hoey |
Woodman |
The Missioners
The nine days of Christian outreach will be conducted by
evangelists - Roger Murphy, Paul Hoey and Paul Woodman:
Roger Murphy
Roger is a Church Army Captain, who is an itinerant
evangelist working for 'Through Faith Missions' and he lives
in Warwick, England. He is married to Jill, an auxiliary
nurse and they have two grown up children and two grandsons.
Roger has been a frequent visitor to Northern Ireland for
over 10 years leading missions across the province, since he
first came on Walk Ulster in 1995. He is also a keen Chelsea
Paul Hoey
Paul was born in Belfast but has lived for nearly 25 years
in Co. Fermanagh. His wife is Sharon, and he has three grown
up children, Ruth, Grace and Aaron.
Paul has been a Church of Ireland minister for over 28 years
most of it in parish ministry in Belfast, Portadown and
Fermanagh. Since 2003 he has been working with CPAS as
Ministry Adviser for Ireland covering the whole island -
preparing churches for outreach, training church leaders,
facilitating churches for strategic planning and development
and anything else that will help them be more effective in
living and sharing the message of Christ in the local
Paul enjoys anything to do with music ' listening, playing,
singing etc. - also general reading, travel, anything arty
and Bono (his faithful dog) and has a passing interest in
Liverpool football club.
Paul Woodman
Paul is a full-time leader in City Life Church, Southampton.
He is married to Susannah and they have two children. He
first started presenting the Christian message using
escapology and illusions in 1989 and widely travels to speak
at schools, community centres and prisons. Paul's main focus
in Southampton is developing church projects that reach into
the community, such as Splash working with children and
CLEAR supporting refugees.
For the past year the Mission Planning Group have been
preparing for the nine days of outreach and have drawn up,
with the support of the parish organisations, a varied and
exciting programme of events and services. In preparation
for Rise & Shine and to enable us to share our faith
naturally sixteen adults have participated in the Lost for
Words Course by CPAS led by Paul Hoey and Marion Wilcox.
Prayer has underpinned the preparations as we seek God's
guidance, endeavour to honour the Lord and wait on the Holy
Spirit to touch lives during our Mission.
& Shine Mission Programme
Saturday 1st March 7.00pm Fun for
all with supper
Sunday 2nd March 11.30am Mothering Sunday All Age
6.30pm Songs of Praise
8.00pm Actodus Youth Drama
Monday 3rd March 10.30pm Coffee Morning
6.00pm Kids' Club (Pre-School to P3)
8.00pm Girls Nite In
Tuesday 4th March 10.00am Spring Flowers with
Roberta Orr
8.00pm Can't Cook, Won't Cook
Wednesday 5th March 10.00am Teddy Bears Picnic
1.45pm Senior Citizens' Club
7.00pm Lads & Dads Nite In
Thursday 6th March 10.30am Coffee Morning
6.00pm Kids' Club (P4 - P7)
7.30pm Bowled Over
Friday 7th March 10.30am Coffee Morning
6.00pm Kids' Club (P4 - P7)
7.30pm Couples Nite Out at Edenmore Golf Club
Saturday 8th March 8.30am Men's Breakfast
12 noon Spring Dander
3.00pm Race View - Karting for Young People
8.00pm Strictly Salsa and Supper
Sunday 9th March 10.15am Sunday School
11.30am Praise Service
6.30pm Thanksgiving Service (with Prayers for
Healing and Blessing)
In addition to the events listed the Missioners will be
visiting a number of schools in the area. Also, a
presentation of the Christian Faith will be given at all
events during the Mission week.
Further information from the Rector, the Rev Nicholas Dark,
Tel: 028 9262 1273