The Rev John
Brackenridge (center) and L to R:
Keith Lunn, Nikki Lunn, Amy
Brackenridge and Ian Robinson
narrated the Easter story at morning
worship in First Lisburn
Presbyterian Church on Sunday 16th
The Easter Story was told in music, hymns and readings at
morning worship in First Lisburn Presbyterian Church on Sunday
16th March. The minister, the Rev John Brackenridge was assisted
by the organist, choir, orchestra, praise band, readers, voices
and Sunday School children as they presented - The triumphal
entry; Jesus at the temple; the betrayal; the Passover; Jesus at
the Mount of Olives; Jesus arrested; Peter disowns Jesus; and
Jesus� trial, crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection.
During the service, Mr Brackenridge explained that John�s gospel
devotes eight of its twenty-one chapters to this week alone! The
week begins with Palm Sunday and ends with the three days (the
Triduum, from sunset on Thursday to sunset on Easter Day),
during which we mark Jesus� trial, death, and resurrection.
�Today - Palm Sunday�, he said, �is the entry of Christ into
Jerusalem to shouts of Hosanna! - Blessed is the one who comes
in the name of the Lord!�

Tom Whyte -
Director of Music (center at
front) and First Lisburn choir,
orchestra and praise band led
the Palm Sunday worship in First
Lisburn Presbyterian Church on
Sunday morning 16th March.
Tom Whyte (Director of Music) presided at the organ and together
with the church choir, praise band and orchestra led the Palm
Sunday praise that included �Make way for Christ the King�, �O
sacred, head, once wounded� and �In the cross of Christ I
glory�. The anthems were �Ride On�, �I am the bread of Heaven�,
�Gethsemane�, �Pilates Song� and �Cross of Jesus�.
Prayers were offered by Evelyn Whyte (Deaconess) and Matt Craig
(Director of Youth Ministry), readings were by Perry Reid (Clerk
of Session), Cecil Kirkwood, Joyce Moran, Elizabeth Watt and
Karin Finlay. Keith Lunn, Nikki Lunn, Amy Brackenridge and Ian
Robinson provided the voices for the Easter story with Sunday
School waving palm branches at the appropriate part.
In pronouncing the benediction, Mr Brackenridge thanked the
organist, choir, orchestra, praise band, voices and readers who
took part in the service and also thanked the communication and
sound teams for their technical support.

Tom Whyte (Director of Music) is
pictured conducting First
Lisburn choir and orchestra
during the Palm Sunday anthem
�Ride On� at morning worship in
First Lisburn on Sunday 16th