Weekend of celebration marks the refurbishment of Railway Street
Presbyterian Church
Railway Street Presbyterian Church following completion of major
refurbishment in 2008. |
Railway Street Presbyterian Church
Sanctuary will be re-dedicated next Sunday |
A weekend of celebration on Saturday 31st May and Sunday 1st
June will mark the re-opening and re-dedication of Railway
Street Presbyterian Church after major refurbishment. Work on
the refurbishment of the church, which began in October 2007,
involved repairs to and strengthening of the ceiling, re-vamping
of the dais area including relocation of the organ console,
rewiring and the installation of emergency lighting and alarms,
new pews and gas-fired heating.
Saturday 31st May at 7.45pm
Thanksgiving Concert
A concert on Saturday evening will commence the weekend
of celebration. The evening of celebration, praise and
thanksgiving will feature the Dromore and District Male Voice
Choir (Conductor David Thompson) and The Symington Memorial
Silver Band (Conductor Ernie Hewitt).
Sunday 1st June at 10.30am
Re-opening and re-dedication of the Church Sanctuary
During morning worship at 10.30am, the Very Rev Dr Howard Cromie,
Senior Minister and past Moderator of the General Assembly will
re-dedicate the Church Sanctuary. The service will be led by the
Rev David Porter, Moderator of the Dromore Presbytery and the
preacher will be the Rev Norman Brown, Minister of Wellington
Street Presbyterian Church, Ballymena.
Sunday 1st June at 6.30pm
Evening of Praise and Thanksgiving
The evening service of praise and thanksgiving at 6.30pm will
conclude the weekend of celebration. The service will be led by
Ballydown Presbyterian Church Orchestra under the leadership of
Harry Morrow and the preacher will be the Rev David Bruce,
Executive Secretary to the Board of Mission in Ireland.
Please plan to come to these special services where you can be
assured of a very warm welcome as you join with us in the
weekend of celebration as we mark the historic occasion of the
re-opening and re-dedication of our beautifully refurbished