The Revd William Nixon pictured with
the Right Revd Harold Miller (Bishop of Down &
Dromore) at the Service of Institution
St Ignatius�s Church, Carryduff
on Friday 15th February. (photo supplied
by the Ulster Star) |
At the Service of Institution
St Ignatius�s Church, Carryduff
on Friday 15th February are L to R:
Mr Harold Mannis (People�s
Churchwarden - Killaney), Mrs Florence Coulter
(Rector�s Churchwarden - Killaney), Revd William
Nixon, Right Revd Harold Miller (Bishop of Down &
Dromore), Mr Ken Ellis (Rector�s Churchwarden -
Carryduff) and Mr Keith Shaw (People�s Churchwarden
- Carryduff).
(photo supplied by the Ulster Star). |
The Revd William Nixon was instituted as the new Rector of the
grouped parishes of Killaney and Carryduff (Diocese of Down) by
the Right Revd Harold Miller, Bishop of Down & Dromore at a
Service of Institution in St Ignatius�s Church, Carryduff last
Friday evening (15th February).
Mr Nixon, former Curate of Hillsborough Parish Church (May 2002
- April 2006) and Emmanuel Church in Edinburgh (April 2006 -
February 2008) will succeed the Revd John Auchmuty, who moved to
Belfast when he became Rector of St Columba�s, Knock in
September 2007.
The preacher was the Very Revd John Dinnen, former Dean of Down,
who retired last December after 23 years as Rector of the Parish
Church of St Malachy, Hillsborough. In a challenging address
based on John 10, Mr Dinnen highlighted two facts essential to
church life anywhere and at anytime: firstly - �Jesus is Lord�
and secondly - �His Spirit is life�. He emphasised the need for
his former Hillsborough Curate to experience the promise Jesus
makes thereby ensuring that the life of the church will never be
confined within buildings - rather, hearts will be warmed, lives
touched, worship renewed and the mission and growth of the
church will be unstoppable.

At the Service of Institution
St Ignatius�s Church, Carryduff
on Friday 15th February
are L to R:
Father Brian Conlon (RC Curate),
Revd William Nixon, Right Revd
Harold Miller (Bishop of Down &
Dromore) and
Father Sean McCartney (Parish
(photo supplied by the Down
Also taking part in the service were the Revd Canon Phillip
Patterson (Archdeacon) and the Revd Simon Doogan (Registrar).
The readers were Mr Bill Connor (Killaney Parish), Mrs Elizabeth
Fleming (Carryduff Parish) and the Revd Melanie Lacy (a friend
of the new rector). Mr Andrew Smyth presided at the organ and
the Carryduff Parish Choir led the worship and sang the anthem
�O come ye servants of the Lord�.
Addressing his new congregations, Mr Nixon spoke of his
excitement in coming back to the Diocese of Down and Dromore and
expressed his thanks to Bishop Miller for his continued
friendship and support during his time at Emmanuel Episcopal
Church, Edinburgh. He noted his excitement at taking up the
incumbency of Killaney and Carryduff and encouraged his
congregation to be those who respond to God�s Word. He said, �My
prayer is that we will learn to be servants of this community
and seek and find the lost, as together we proclaim the good
news that is the Gospel of Christ�. Mr Nixon concluded by
encouraging the congregations to be prayerful and committed to
regular prayer for him and his family.
A collection was taken up for Clergy in Service Training and
following the service, refreshments were served in the Church
Hall allowing members of both congregations to meet and chat
with their new rector, his wife Caz and their three children
Anna (4), Alice (3) and Sam (6 months).