At the
morning Praise Service in
Magheragall Parish Church
last Sunday (9th March) are
L to R: Nigel Adams (Rectors
Warden), Rev Nicholas Dark
(Rector), Bronwen Dark and
evangelists Paul Hoey, Roger
Murphy and Paul Woodman.
A morning Praise Service and evening Thanksgiving Service
last Sunday (9th March) brought nine days of Christian
outreach entitled �Rise & Shine� at Magheragall Parish
Church to a successful conclusion. Led by evangelists Roger
Murphy, Paul Hoey and Paul Woodman, the programme included:
Mothering Sunday Service, Songs of Praise, Youth Drama,
Coffee Mornings, Kids� Club, Teddy Bear�s Picnic, Girl�s
Nite In, Lad�s & Dad�s Nite In, Senior Citizen�s Club,
Couple�s Nite Out, Men�s Breakfast, Spring Dander and
The Rector, the Rev Nicholas Dark led the morning Praise
Service assisted by evangelists Roger Murphy, Paul Hoey and
Paul Woodman. During the service Paul Hoey interviewed
Magheragall Mission Team members Nigel Adams and Margaret
Leslie; and Roger Murphy interviewed the Rector, the Rev
Nicholas Dark and his wife Bronwen. Margaret Nelson presided
at the organ and was accompanied by Bronwen Dark and a group
of musicians and vocalists in leading the lively praise
which included: �Jesus, all for Jesus� and �To God be the
In his address Roger Murphy asked the question �who do you
say I am - am I Lord of your life or not?� He explained that
there is no middle ground, we either accept or reject Jesus
saying that if we want to make Jesus Lord of our lives, we
need to say yes and receive Him into our lives. Emphasising
that being a Christian means to deny ourselves, he said that
Jesus gave His all on the cross for us and referring to the
hymn �All for Jesus� he went on to say that Jesus wants us
to give our all for Him.
Paul Woodman, a Christian escapologist, also gave a short