Roses Lane Ends Flute Band pictured
with Lisburn Mayor Councillor James Tinsley (left)
and Lagan Valley MP Jeffrey Donaldson (right). |
L to R: Rev Canon Ernest Harris (Ballinderry
Parish), Councillor James Tinsley (Mayor), Mrs
Margaret Tinsley (Mayoress), Roy Wilson (Secretary),
Alwyn Totten (Conductor), Sandy Wilson (Chairman),
Lagan Valley MP Jeffrey Donaldson and Rev John
Rutter (Glenavy Parish). |
Roses Lane Ends Flute Band on parade. |
A band parade followed by a Praise and Thanksgiving Service in
Ballinderry Parish Church last Sunday 1st June continued a
series of events to mark the Centenary of Roses Lane Ends Flute
Band. Led by Roses Lane Ends Flute Band, the bands that took
part in the parade were: Ballydonaghy Pipe Pand, Ballydonaghy
Caledonian Pipe Band, Bailliesmills Accordion, Ballygowan Flute
Band, Cahard Flute Band, Dungannon Silver, Dunloy Accordian,
Glenavy Accordion, Lisburn Young Defenders and Pride of
Ballinran Flute Band (Kilkeel).
Ballinderry Parish Rector, the Rev Canon Ernest Harris, led the service assisted
by the Rev John Rutter (Rector of Glenavy Parish) and Canon
Harris gave the address. The special guests included Lisburn
Mayor, Councillor James Tinsley, Deputy Mayor Councillor Ronnie
Crawford and Lagan Valley MP Jeffrey Donaldson, who read the
Scripture lesson. Robert Yarr presided on the organ and together
with the Parish Church Choir, led the praise that included,
�Praise, my soul, the King of heaven�, �Guide me, O Thou great
Jehovah� and �When we walk with the Lord�. Other items of praise
were a duet on flute and piano by band members Nigel Wilkinson and Gareth
Murray and a solo by Bobby Culbert accompanied by Alan Yarr,
also a member of the band.
Referring to the words of the well-known hymn �Praise, my soul,
the King of heaven� which rejoices in the assurance of being
ransomed, healed, restored and forgiven, Canon Harris in a
challenging address to the congregation and band members asked,
�do you know Christ�s salvation?� He went on to speak of the
need to taste and see that the Lord is good and concluded by
saying that the special centenary service would be even more
special if you were to give your heart and life to Jesus and ask
Him into your life to be your Saviour.
Local retired teacher, Dr Reg Haslett, gave an interesting
tribute to his grandfather, James Henry Haslett, the first
conductor of Roses Lane Ends Flute Band. He said, �It is
exceedingly difficult to speak with confidence about someone you
never knew. My grandfather, died in 1934, some 13 years before I
was born; however, I have been able to obtain reliable
information from relatives and Vestry Minutes going back over
100 years. James Henry Haslett was a talented musician and I
have been told that he wrote some of the music for the flute
band. A dedicated churchman, his name appears many times in
vestry minutes from 1901 until 1934, in various roles, Sidesman,
People�s Church Warden and Parish Nominator. The small yet
energetic man was an excellent tradesman and did panelling work
in the Tunny Church and the old Glenavy Sunday School (now the
Glenaidan Centre); he also built the farmhouse on the Glenavy
Road, Crumlin, where I was born�.
�My grandfather came from a musical background, vestry minutes
of December 1877 record that his father, Henry Haslett, led the
choir at Feymore� Dr Haslett said; and continued, �Jane Haslett
(James Henry�s wife), taught in the Sandhills School, Tunny for
38 years and Jim Totten, one of the past band members present at
the Centenary Service, was one of her pupils�. Dr Haslett said
that it has been a privilege to be invited by band secretary Mr
Roy Wilson to pay a tribute to his grandfather at the centenary
service and concluded by wishing the band every success in the
The packed Ballinderry Parish Church. |
Bailliesmills Accordion. |
Ballydonaghy Pipe Band. |
Ballydonaghy Caledonian Pipe Band. |
Glenavy Accordion Band. |
Dunloy Accordion Band. |
Pride of Ballinran Flute Band. |
Dungannon Silver Band. |