Lisburn & District Scouts St George�s Day parade and service |
to R: Billy Mawhinney (GSL Seymour Hill), Brian
Patterson (ADC Leader Training), Noel Irwin
(District Commissioner), Councillor James Tinsley
(Mayor), Mrs Margaret Tinsley (Mayoress), Rev Brian
Anderson, Jessica Kidd (District Chairperson),
Adrian Walker (GSL First Hillsborough), Paul
Clydesdale (GSL First Hilden) and Audrey Gifford
(District Executive). |
to R: (seated) Paul Clydesdale (Group Scout Leader),
Noel Irwin (District Commissioner) and Harold Baird
(Founder GSL). (back row) Kelly Ann Aldridge, Sarah
Jane Heaney, Brian Fair, William Heaney and Craig
Lisburn & District Scout Association St
George�s Day annual parade and service was held last Sunday
afternoon (20th April). The parade assembled at Wallace Park
and accompanied by Ballylesson Old Boys and Skeogh Flute
Bands, made its way to and from Seymour Street Methodist
The main service for Cubs, Scouts and Explorers Scouts and
their guests was held in Seymour Street Methodist Church.
The minister, the Rev Brian Anderson led the service. He
based his address on the story of the Prodigal son and using
a DVD entitled Boundin, explained that the boys in the eyes
of God are special and that they are much loved by Him. Mr
Anderson concluded that if they and God were to come
together - wonderful opportunities could come out of that. Adam McIlwee and Sarah Bell (1st Hilden Scout Group) read the
Scripture lessons; Matthew McCullough and Anna Boyd offered
prayers for scouting and the world; and the church�s praise
band led the worship. During the service, District
Commissioner Noel Irwin, presented Billy Mawhinney (former
Cub Scout Leader of 1st Seymour Hill Group) with the highest
scout leader award or Silver Wolf, in recognition of many
years of outstanding service to the Movement locally. Adrian
Walker (GSL 1st Hillsborough) was presented with the �Silver
Acorn� for distinguished service to the Movement; and Rodney
Ingram was awarded the �Thanks Badge� on behalf of the
District for his long service to 1st Seymour Hill Scout
Group in a number of roles.
A separate service for Beavers and Squirrels was held in the
adjoining church hall. The Rev Canon George Irwin (District
Chaplin) led the service and the church organist, Richard
Wright, led the praise. During the service, the renewal of
promises was led by Assistant District Commissioner Margaret
Irwin. The speaker was Stephen Gray (Vice Principal of
Ballymacash Primary School). Introducing Sparky the puppet,
Stephen said, �Special as Sparky is, he is only a puppet can
only do things that I make him do�. He went on to explain
that each one of us is so special to God that even the hairs
on our head are numbered - �we are unique and He loves us�,
Stephen said. Speaking of the choices we make day by day, he
concluded by emphasising the need to make the right choice
to follow Jesus, this he said, �would be the best choice you
ever make�.
The parade and service was hosted by 1st Hilden Scout Group,
who is celebrating its 21st Anniversary. Founded in
September 1987 under Group Scout Leader Harold Baird, they
first met in the EMB Hall at Hilden (now demolished) for
about six years before moving to Forthill Primary School.
The Queen�s and District Colour Party. L to R:
Daniel Henry, Conor McCullough, Daryl Connery and
Michael Griffin. |
to R: Richard Wright (Organist), the Rev Canon
George Irwin (District Chaplin), Margaret Irwin
(Assistant District Commissioner) and Stephen Gray
(Speaker). |
to R: Rodney Ingram (Seymour Hill) and Billy
Mawhinney (GSL Seymour Hill), who received special
awards for services to scouting, Councillor James
Tinsley (Mayor), Mrs Margaret Tinsley (Mayoress) and
Noel Irwin (District Commissioner). |
The Lisburn & District Scouts and Explorers service
in Seymour Street Methodist Church on Sunday 20th
Stephen Gray (Vice Principal of
Ballymacash Primary School) pictured giving the
address at the Squirrels and Beaver Section service. |
District officers pictured as the
Lisburn & District Scouts parade returns to Wallace
Park after a service in Seymour Street Methodist
Church on Sunday 20th April. |