�Table Quiz & Auction Night� will be held in the Downshire
Centre, Hillsborough Parish Church, on Friday 14th March at
7.30pm to raise funds for a team of young people from
Hillsborough Parish Church who will travel to Egypt on Saturday
2nd to Wednesday 13th August 2008 under the auspices of CMS
During their mission outreach trip to Egypt, the team will spend
the majority of their time in Port Said, a city of approximately
550,000 people in northeast Egypt where they will assist Canon
Raj Sathyaraj in his church compound, within the community of
Port Said. The young people have been invited by Canon Raj to
run a children�s camp each morning, teach basic English,
computer skills and sports to local teenagers and get involved
in all aspects of church life. After their time in Port Said,
the team will return to Cairo where they will visit �Refuge
Egypt�, a place for Sudanese refugees to find help and support.
Youth Minister Johnny Beare requests that you would consider
supporting this fundraising effort by entering a team in the
�Table Quiz�. The cost to enter the quiz will be �5 per person,
with a maximum of 8 people per team.