Lee McCracken (In the
Beginning Ministry) pictured with CWU
leaders Joseph Lockhart (left) and Robert
Watson (right) after giving a powerpoint
presentation entitled �The age of the earth�
in a packed Lisburn Christian Workers Union
Hall last Saturday night (5th
Lisburn Christian Workers Union Hall, Market Square, was
packed last Saturday night (5th April) to hear
guest speaker, Lee McCracken (In the Beginning Ministry)
give an interesting powerpoint presentation entitled �The
age of the earth�. During his presentation, 18-year-old Lee
revealed - who cares about the age of the earth; emphasised
why it is so important; and provided evidence that some
scientists don�t want you to know.
Founded in late 2007, �In the Beginning Ministry� is
dedicated to proclaiming the truth of God�s word. The
ministry is convinced that evolution is the most dangerous,
unscientific and unscriptural theory in the history of man.
ITBM presents illustrated seminars that defend all of God�s
word, right from the first verse.