John Blair (Outreach Co-Ordinator),
Ryan Farrelly, Lisburn Mayor Councillor James Tinsley,
Lady Mayoress Margaret Tinsley, Mark Snowdon,
Aine McLarnon. Nathan Boyle and
Louise Dolan.
HARMONY Hill Presbyterian Church hosted a
special thanksgiving service on Sunday January 13 to mark
the first anniversary of The Base drop in centre.
John Blair, Outreach CoOrdinator, took his audience
through last year's activities, which included a trip to the
Belfast Giants, sailing to the Isle of Man and camping
overnight in the mountains. In attendance were the Mayor and
Mayoress, Mr and Mrs James Tinsley, who presented five young
people with the OCN Level 1 in Drug Awareness, facilitated
Geoff Baird from Lisburn Police also spoke of how the
crime rate has fallen in the Lambeg area since The Base
opened and the important role it plays within the community.
The night was well attended by the community and a good
night was had by all.
Ulster Star