Following the success of their
recipe book 'The Real Way To Cook', the
Fund-raising Committee of Railway Street
Presbyterian Church is launching a new
publication just in time for Christmas - 'The
Real Way To Plan The Year'. This is a year
planner or engagement diary which will help to
keep track of all next year's events, while also
providing a spiritual 'thought for the day' in
the form of a special Bible verse chosen by
members and friends of the congregation to
commemorate each date.
Carolyn Gowdy
explained, 'We all have special dates in our
lives, and it seemed a good idea that people
should be able to commemorate these by linking
each day of the year to a favourite Bible verse,
which might also inspire others. We were
delighted with the response of the congregation
and hope that this publication will be another
useful means of raising funds for our much
appreciated refurbished church building.' 'The Real Way To Plan The Year' will be launched
at a Coffee Morning and Sale on Saturday 15th
November from 10.30 - 12.30 in the Church
Lecture Hall. As well as the year planners,
hand-made greeting cards, Christmas cards,
novelty items and pens bearing the Railway
Street mission statement 'Following Christ-
Serving the Community' will also be available.
Everyone will be made very welcome.