Picture being
presented with Brigader brooches at
Trinity Methodist GB display last Friday
evening (11th April) are L to R: Lisa
Huston with her mother Linda, Claire
Sweeney with her mother Jane and Jill
Bothwell with her mother Elaine.
The 360th Northern Ireland Girls� Brigade Company, one of the
largest in Lisburn, held their 11th annual display in Trinity
Methodist Church last Friday evening (11th April). The minister,
the Rev Clive Webster, who will move to a Dungannon group of
churches in July, welcomed the girls, parents and visitors and
thanked the Captain, Julie Budd and all the officers and leaders
who worked so hard in preparation for the display. The programme
included: Twinkle toes, Cbeebies on tour and skipping -
Starlings; PE, under the sea, the ugly bug ball and two little
houses - Explorers; Marching, PE and Night at the Oscars -
Juniors; Scarfs, hoops and Miss World - Seniors. The finale was
amazing love.
Prior to presenting the awards, special guest Gerald Titmus
(Chaplain General of Firefighters for Christ NI) thanked the
girls for presenting an excellent display and in a short message
explained that just as they made preparations for the display,
so too must they make preparations not just for this world but
the next.