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Local GB girls get their Queen's Award

Local GB girls get their Queen's Award

Front row: Guest speaker Victoria Gordon, Chair of Focusfest, Margaret Ming, President of GBNl, Marbeth Coulter GBNI Vice President and Lynda Bryans,
Patron of GBNI.
Middle row: Audrey Godfrey Captain of Kilmakee Presbyterian GB award recipients Julia Godfrey from Kilmakee and Wendy Ward from Hillsborough Presbyterian.
Back row: Award recipient Amy Burnside from Hillsborough Presbyterian GB and Pamela Forbes Captain of Hillsborough GB.

THREE local girls have been presented with a Queens award at a special Girl's Brigade reception in Belfast.

Julia Godfrey from Kilmakee Presbyterian GB, and Wendy Ward and Amy Burnside both from Hillsborough Presbyterian, were among the 70 girls receiving awards.

To gain the Queen's Award the girls completed a 2 year period of work including community service, two initiative tests, service within GB, a written test paper on Girls' Brigade knowledge and a final interview with GBN1 officials.

Girls' Brigade Ireland caters for girls aged 3 — 18 years providing a ready made youth and children's ministry programme for churches/missions in Northern Ireland. 300 GB Companies, with a total of 23,000 members, makes Girls' Brigade the largest uniformed organisation in the province.

GB companies meet in churches/missions once per week from September to April/May and offer a wide and varied programme of bible study, craft, sport and other challenges in community and church service.

To find your local company or to find out how to start a GB company in your church check out the GBN1 website at

Ulster Star