Big thank you from

Maghaberry Elim put best foot forward

Members of Maghaberry Elim Church prepare for their Walk for Africa around the village roads

Members of Maghaberry Elim Church prepare for their Walk for Africa
around the village roads

MAGHABERRY Elim Church members and friends put their best feet forward when they held a sponsored Walk For Africa around the village roads.

The sun shone making walking conditions warm' but very enjoyable as the team of enthusiastic walkers completed the almost three-mile route. The church was raising much-needed funds to build a new operating theatre for The Elim Hospital in Katerere in Zimbabwe.

After the walk, everyone tucked into a well-earned baked potato supper in the church hall.
Church elder' Mr Roy Irwin' outlined the importance of the sponsored walk. "Maghaberry EIim has developed a very good reputation for raising funds for projects run by EIim International
Missions Ireland," he said. "Last year' for example' our sponsored WaIk For Africa raised cash to build houses for the elderly in Zambia. We were just one of 12 Elim churches who took part in this project' but we raised £25,000 between us. This year's project is very worthwhile.

"The site where the hospital is has the Elim Mission Church, a 900-pupil primary school and
a 650-pupil boarding school.

"The church reaches out to many orphans in the region, with the hospital and its staff playing a vital role'" said Mr Irwin.

Ulster Star