Lisburn Mayor Alderman Paul Porter pictured with his guests at a Mayoral Reception in Lagan Valley Island on Thursday 19th May to mark the 5Oth Anniversary if Drumbo Presbyterian Church Boys' Brigade and Girls' Brigade. Included are Norman Weekes (BB Captain), Alison Thompson (GB Captain), Rev Adrian McLernon (Chaplain) and (Councillor Jonathan Craig MLA (right).
LISBURN Mayor Alderman Paul Porter hosted a Mayoral Reception in Lagan Valley Island on Thursday 19th May to mark the 50th Anniversary of Drumbo Presbyterian Church Boys' Brigade and Girls' Brigade. Initially the Boys' Brigade started in 1913 and ran until 1926 as the old 53rd Belfast Company during which time the Rev Joseph Cordner and Captain Robert Ferguson presided over the company. The current BB and GB companies were formed in 1960/61; Mr. Herbie Currie was the first captain of the Boys' Brigade and Mrs. Esther Currie was the first captain of the Girls' Brigade. The first Chaplain was the Rev John Barkley Wallace who was succeeded in turn by Rev Kenneth Smyth, Rev Hugh Mullan and Rev Adrian McLernon. In addition to the Mayoral Reception, the 50th Anniversary was also marked recently by a combined enrolment service, a celebration supper and special BB and GB Displays both of which included a 'memory lane' item. The celebrations will conclude in June with an Annual Fete' held in conjunction with Drumbo Village Association.
Ulster Star