Big thank you from

Drumbo Presbyterian church presents nearly £2.000 to Tearfund

At the Drumbo Presbyterian Church BBQ

At the Drumbo Presbyterian Church BBQ

DRUMBO Presbyterian Church provided a BBQ lunch for the congregation after the morning service on Sunday 4th September.

The service focused on the work of Tearfund and members of the congregation were challenged by the Harvest project featuring Pastor Joseph and the outreach work of the church in Ogongora, Uganda.

They heard of Richard's story and Rev. Adrian McLernon spoke on the principle of Jesus Christ as the Cornerstone in our lives.

As the Tearfund literature says, If you've been blessed, pass it on' and the church was able to pass on £1942 to be used in Ogongora and the East Africa disaster appeal.

The weather was kind and we had a willing team of men who did the cooking, while ladies provided a variety of delicious salads for approximately 130 people.

A church spokesperson said: "We pray that God will use and multiply our giving to bring hope and salvation to those in poverty and from whom we have so much to learn."

Ulster Star