ALTHOUGH the weather may be cold, it's great to get out
on a fine day and enjoy a tidy up around the garden in
preparation for spring. Drains may be dug to cope with
water-logged areas and repairs to outdoor structures and
pathways carried out. Remove seedling weeds in flowerbeds and
apply a top-dress of home produced compost or wood chippings to
improve the soil condition and reduce water loss later in the
season. Prepare seed beds in the vegetable garden, when
conditions permit, for early sowings. If you raise your own
plants from seed in the glasshouse it's time now to clean out
the glasshouse, wash all seed trays and pots and wash down all
tables, staging and glass. This will help prevent spread of
fungal diseases when the plants are at their early stages of
growth. If you don't have a glasshouse and want to raise some
plants from seed, windowsill propagators are the answer. Happy
sowing! Plant up beds with Wallflower and Sweet William and
keep the beds weed free. Check newly transplanted trees, shrubs
and young plants for wind rock and firm in any that have become
loosened. Dahlia tubers and gladioli corms should be checked
for rotting and fungal diseases. Fill the house with pots of
Hyacinths and miniature daffodils that have been forced for
flowering indoors to create a fragrant scent around your home
and give the feeling that spring is just around the corner.
Hamamelis or witch hazels are one of the most popular winter
flowering shrubs or small tree. These deciduous plants are
grown for their autumn colour and most importantly their
strongly scented bloom. They flourish in full sun to semi-shade
on a peaty acid soil.