AS Christmas approaches this is a season to give and receive.
House plants make ideal gifts and flowering hyacinths,
daffodils and tulips, poinsettias, flowering cyclamen, azaleas
and pot primulas will add colour and scent to the festive
House plants are readily available in many outlets. When
bringing your new plants indoors, place them in a cool room with
plenty of light.
Spray the plants regularly with tepid water and always water
cyclamen from the bottom. If water is allowed to settle on top,
the corms will rot. Flowering houseplants will continue to
flower over a long period provided the soil is kept moist and
the room in which they are kept is cool and not hot and stuffy.
Work in the garden can be difficult with wet, windy, frosty
weather. However, every effort should be made to tidy up the
vegetable plot. In the glasshouse care must be taken to
prevent draughts. Replace any broken or cracked panes of glass.
During wet dull weather botrytis can be a horrible threat. If
you get a chance on a day with a few hours of sunshine open the
vents for an hour to get some fresh air in around the plants.
Check over the glasshouse plants and remove stems that have
developed mould or rot.
During the winter months it is easy to think that the garden
has gone dormant but even through the dullest months of the year
quite a few shrubs will create a spectacular flowering display
and become prominent garden features. Viburnum Farreri will
fill the garden with fragrance at this time of year, making a
splendid shrub for the winter garden.
Their rose-tinted buds open to white blooms which appear in
clusters on leafless branches and are freely produced from
November through to spring.
Another excellent variety to look out for is Viburnum
Bodnantense Dawn.