THIS weeks weather has played havoc with those urgent garden
chores. It would be advisable at this stage to stay off the
ground until the ground dries up and the weather is more
In many gardens around the country plants such as
Hamamelis, Sarcococca, Helabores and early spring flowering
bulbs that were in flower recently were later laden with snow,
but these early flowers are a sign that spring is on its way and
to the gardener these are exciting times ahead. Culinary and
medicinal herbs, if used through the mixed borders, can be as
beautiful as they are useful. Many of the large country estates
would have had a separate herb garden laid out in formal design
and perhaps hedged in by dwarf box. In today's smaller garden,
there just is not the space and instead you may find herbs
planted in a small corner of the vegetable garden. Many herbs
have flowers and foliage too attractive to be hidden away at the
back of the garden. The highly favoured common sage has
eye-catching coloured foliage in shades of grey, green, purple
and variegated. The ground covering Origanum vulgare, an
aromatic culinary herb, smothers itself in clusters of rose
purple flowers from mid-summer to autumn. There are also
evergreen Rosemary, Applemint, Sweet Bergamont (Monarda didyma)
and Ruta Jackmans Blue, to name but a few. These can be planted
through the mixed borders or grouped together alongside old
roses and other herbaceous plants. Try planting them along
with bedding plants in baskets and window boxes to provide con-
trasting foliage. Herbs, you will find, make splendid candidates
for associating with not only themselves, but also other plants
in the ornamental garden. In the evenings why not relax
indoors and order your summer flowering bulbs? Tuberous _
Begonias. Gladioli and Lilies will provide lots of colour and
even scent when planted up in pots and placed around the patio
area. Seed potatoes should be ordered any time from a
specialist grower.