EARLY flowering shrubs are the backbone of any garden or mixed
border at this time of year. Camellias, Forsythia, Ribes,
Viburnum tinus and the magnificent early flowering cherry Prunus
Autumnalis create spectacular displays in many gardens
throughout the country. For scent the evergreen Mahonia x Media
charity is unrivalled and the seductive scent of the Daphne
Mezerium are bound to excite any passer-by. Magnolia Stellata
is one of the first magnolias to flower and is literally covered
in little white star like flowers - a truly magnificent sight,
provided we don't get a night's frost which will reduce the
white star lit tree to an unsightly burnt looking mess. Hedera
or evergreen ivy makes an excellent hardy self-clinging plant
for covering untidy walls, chimney-breasts and fences or as a
ground cover plant. Green leafed varieties are very shade
tolerant and will survive under drought conditions. They are an
ideal plant for a northfacing wall. Variegated Ivy prefers
more light although it may suffer from wind and frost damage but
will recover in spring. Grow variegated Ivy in a sunny sheltered
position. Ivy may be pruned to remove damaged untidy growth
and to control the overall height or spread of the plant.
Propagate by softwood cuttings or layering in late summer.
Small yellow/green flowers appear in autumn soon to be followed
by black fruits. Hedera Caneriernis, Colchica Sulphur Heart,
Gold Heart and Buttercup will make excellent climbing or
groundcover plants providing all year round colour and interest.
This is your last chance this week to finish pruning roses. Do
not be afraid to prune fairly hard, even if the leaves have
started to develop on the branches you remove. The idea is to
encourage vigorous growth from low down the plant, as this will
carry the main flush of flower this year. Hygiene is very
important. Be sure to clear away every scrap of rose pruning,
leaves, stems etc, composting or burning them.