AS autumn approaches take time now to repair and paint broken
panes, leaks and loose fittings in the glass house. These may
only be a minor irritation at the moment but they could become a
serious menace if left during the winter months.
Carry out a maintenance check on the glass house heaters to
ensure they are in working order before the heating is required
later this month. Protect tender plants from frost and cold
winds either under glass or given them winter protection using
materials such as straw, loose woven Hessian or dead leaves.
Cuttings of your valued tender plants may also be taken and
brought under glass.
Plant winter flowering heathers now in groups, to give an
effective, splash of colour through the winter months. Varieties
such as Erica cornea king george, myreton ruby and pink spangles
make successful garden plants. Heathers may also be
inter-planted in pots and containers with winter pansies,
polyanthus and spring flowering bulbs. No matter how well
planned and successfully planted your garden is, hard features
such as a garage, dustbins, gas and electricity meter boxes or
even a man-hole cover in the middle of the lawn or shrub border
will spoil the whole effect. There are many ways to disguise
ugly features or create privacy from the road or over looking
Climbing plants may be used to hide unsightly walls or
buildings, erect a pergola over the patio to provide both cover
and privacy. Shrubs and tall grasses grown in tubs strategically
positioned around the sitting area will also provide screening.
An unsightly man-hole cover can be turned into a feature by
placing a garden ornament or bird table on it. All too often
hardy fuchsias are overlooked for continuous flower in the shrub
borders. These deciduous plants can be a major contributor.
flowering from late June to November. All they require is a
top-dress of fertiliser and the removal of dead stems in early
spring. Fuchsia magellanica, versicolor, Mrs popple and lord
Roberts make valuable garden plants, providing both flower and
leaf colour for weeks on end throughout the growing season.