WITH the longer evenings, warmer days and everything starting to
grow, it's time to prepare your garden in time for Easter.
Lawns should be having their new years trim, and if your
lawnmower is sounding a little chancy, why not leave it in to
the local dealer and have it serviced. There's nothing worse
than ever increasing grass size on the family lawn, due to the
mower being out of action. Brush the paths, clear the patio of
leaves and dirt, and have it looking spic and span for an
evening barbecue. With the frost nearly gone for good, there's
nothing to stop you enjoying a family barbecue to celebrate
Easter and watch the kids romping through the garden and
searching for their creme eggs.
Decide on whether you want window baskets, window boxes or
single containers with flowers. The local garden centre will
advise on what is best for your garden and most offer a service
to fill the baskets and boxes and - ensure a floral glory for
the summer months. This month the garden will burst into leaf
and bud and will need a helping hand with a dose of fertiliser
to ensure that all new growth is well fed for sturdy growth.
Spring bulbs will be at their peak and lawns will need to be cut
as the weather warms up. There are annual seeds to be sown and
vegetables to be planted. Some people will wait until the end
of May before buying ready grown bedding plants. Others will
want to buy seedlings and grow them on. All in all, it's a busy
time for those who want to be busy and an enjoyable period of
anticipation for those who don't. Inside the greenhouse pick
out seedlings and pot on rooted cuttings Levinton Plant
protection compost that will protect your small plants against
vine weevil and aphids and give useful control of whitefly.
The soil inside greenhouses is often compact, dry and tired. It
is unlikely to grow a good crop of tomatoes, peppers or
cucumbers without plenty of organic matter and some extra
special cultivation. To avoid all this soil preparation, plant
out tomato seedlings in Fison gro bags, the original bag that
still provides top quality growing conditions " for greenhouse