WITH wet, cold weather ahead, work around the garden will
slow down, although there is still a lot to be finished.
Slimy, slippery surfaces such as paths and drives are a danger
on a wet day, so take action now and scrub or power-wash the
slabs clean before someone gets hurt. If soil conditions are
wet, sticky and unsuitable to work in, heel-in bare root roses
or keep them in a frost-free shed until the soil is workable.
Always keep bare root plants moist and never allow them to dry
out until properly planted. Protect tender plants from frost
and cold winds this month, either under glass or give them
winter protection using materials such as straw, loose woven
hessian or dead leaves. Cuttings of your most valued plants
can be taken now and brought under glass. Plant winter
flowering heathers in groups to give a splash of colour through
the winter months. Heathers may also be interplanted with spring
bulbs such as crocus. Outside garden lighting has both a
practical and decorative effect, with a wide range of types and
styles to choose from. If you have never given outside
lighting a thought, think again. Safety is one of the most
important considerations. For instance, you and your visitors
need to be able to find their way to the front door on a dark
night. Lighting is especially important here if there are
steps or obstacles, such as low walls or overhanging shrubs.
With outside lighting, you can also illuminate features around
the garden such as trees, ornaments, ponds and rockeries. Try
low voltage light sets as these are ideal for lighting up paths
and steps.