Gardening with Clive Sullivan of Cameron Landscapes and
Ballylesson Garden Centre
THIS is a good time to effect repairs to garden structures.
Before frost becomes too severe replace dislodged paving, point
up stonewalls and patch up concrete paths that have cracked or
are falling to pieces. As you prune and retrain climbing
plants. repair damaged pergolas fences or posts. These need to
be strong enough to support the full weight of your plants, even
when this is doubled because of a burden of rainwater. Vine
eyes, screwed or cemented into walls with strong wire running
through them, make good anchor points for wall plants. With
your workload reducing in the garden, the next few weeks will
give you a chance to appraise your situation. How do you feel
about a glasshouse? The advantages are endless. You can
propagate, from seed or cuttings, as much of your own plant
material as you like. You can produce tender food crops such as
melons tomatoes, grapes and aubergines. You can raise lovely
houseplants. You can also extend your growing season, beginning
your spring sowings as early as January rather than March and
harvesting right to the end of the year if you wish, not to
mention raising cut flowers for indoor decoration
Greenhouse A greenhouse gives you something to do on a
rainy day and gets you out of the house. In fact when you think
of it can you exist without a greenhouse? As winter approaches
and you begin to tidy up the garden, spare a thought for the
wildlife. Winter migrant birds like fieldfares and redwings will
join local thrushes and blackbirds all feeding hungrily on
berries of cotoneaster, pyracantha and sorbus and on rose hips.
Smaller birds such as wrens and blue tits like to shelter in
undergrowth and hedgehogs will begin hibernation beneath the
shrubs. It is helpful therefore to leave one or two areas with
thick undergrowth or long grass and to allow climbers, such as
ivy, to grow thickly to give shelter.