IT'S great to get out on a fine day and enjoy a tidy up around
the garden in preparation for spring! Drains may be dug to
cope with waterlogged areas and repairs to outdoor structures
and pathways carried out. Remove seedling weeds in flower beds
and apply a top dress of home produced compost or wood chippings
to improve the soil condition and reduce water loss later in the
season. Prepare seed beds in the vegetable garden when
conditions permit for early sowings. Other jobs to be getting
on with around the garden include planting bare root and root
balled plants such as thorn quicks, privet and oak, as weather
conditions permit. Terracotta pots and containers may be
vulnerable to frost damage so it would be advisable to empty
them and store under cover. Alternatively, they can be wrapped
in sacking until the risk of frost has passed. This is a good
time to mend garden structures and tools. Replace broken stakes
and ties on trees, point up broken paving, stone walls and
concrete paths. Repair damaged fences, posts and pergolas - they
need to be secure enough to withstand strong winds. Always
keep the glass house clean and tidy. Clear out all the plants
and give the glass, benches, floors, etc, a good scrub down,
removing algae, moss and debris. which will harbour many pests.
The date is set and preparations are already being made for this
year's Horticultural Lecture of The Year which will be held in
the Lagan Valley Island, Lisburn, on Wednesday, March 5,
starting at 7.30pm. This year's speaker, Nigel Colbourn, will
be speaking on colour and creative planting. Nigel Colbourn
is no stranger to most people with an interest in gardening. His
appearances on television and a long running contribution to
Gardeners' Question Time on radio have frequently brought him
into our homes. He has also lectured in Northern Ireland in the
past. Nigel is a judge at the annual Chelsea Flower Show and
has also been a national judge in the 'Britain in Bloom'
competition for several years. For further information contact
Eric on 028 4062 3890.