THIS week's weather has been the first real taste of spring. The
evenings have become noticeably lighter and the days brighter,
but be sure to watch out for night frosts. The lawn is beginning
to grow and, weather permitting. can receive ifs first cut.
Preparation to seedbeds may be carried out in order to sow herbs
such as chervil, chives, parsley and basil. Sow out small
amounts at six-week intervals in order to maintain a fresh
supply of leaves which will come in useful for cooking or
barbecues throughout the summer. Watered
Winter-flowering pansies coming info bloom need to be
frequently watered and fed using a liquid hot-en fertiliser.
Keep a look out for aphids or greenfly and treat with an
appropriate insecticide. Remove any spent flowers to keep the
pansies looking fresh and encourage more new flowers. Seedling
weeds are beginning to emerge as the ground warms up. So act now
and nip a potential weed problem in the bud. Avoid walking loo
much on wet areas in the garden at this time of year as this
will compact the soil and damage ifs structure.
Pests and diseases on roses may not be visible just yet, but
be ready for them. As soon as the leaves begin to emerge apply a
preventative spray against black spot. This is the time to
evaluate your borders and assess winter lasses. The cheapest way
to fill any gaps is to fake divisions from your own perennials
and replant them.
Alternative visit your local garden centre and select plants
that are fully winter hardy and have been raised outdoors. Think
carefully of colour when you select your replacements. Will your
new introductions improve your planting? The spring garden is
coming to life with carpets of crocus, snowdrops and daffodils
creating a splash of colour. Flowering shrubs such as
forsythias, ribes, skimmias and viburnums are coming into their
best, so enjoy them while they last.