MAINTENANCE is the key to a good tidy garden.
Routine lawn and border care is essential but growing
plants need attention -whether it be staking, trimming back to
size or spraying for pest control.
Throughout the summer there are many garden tasks. Stake
early flowering lilies, such as lilium regale and martagon
with canes or purpose made supporting wires.
Keep a look out for green fly as a serious attack may
disfigure flowering trumpets. Pests and diseases can be even
more trouble.
Aphids, moulds and mildew multiply more quickly and spread
very fast in warm weather. Keep up a weekly spraying routine
to ensure a healthier garden.
Continue to tie in vigorous growth on climbing plants such
as clematis, roses and wisteria on walls, fences and pergolas
to prevent strong winds pulling them from their supports. Trim
back spent flowering shoots of deutzia, lilac and broom. This
will encourage strong new growth to ripen for next year.
If you are growing senscio mainly for the effect of its
silver foliage cut out the flower buds as soon as they appear
in order to keep the leaves finer and the plant bushier.
As the warmer months approach, hopefully, prepare the patio
or courtyard for barbecues. Arrange pots, troughs and baskets
allowing plenty of space for outdoor living.
Hanging baskets and window boxes are popular features
during the summer and trailing fuchsias, geraniums, petunias
and lobelia are especially good and provide a fine display.
When positioning the baskets or window boxes make sure that
brackets from which they hang are strong.
Little maintenance is required other than liberal waterings,
feeding and dead heading flowers to maintain a fresh,
attractive appearance right into October.
