and pupils of Anahilt Primary School began the New Year with a
bang as they launched their brand new website this week. The
launch on Monday, was attended by Mr Wallace Beatty, one of the
oldest known former pupils of the school, and Cherith Moffitt,
the youngest pupil in P1, who performed the opening launch.
Anahilt teacher Mrs Marion Poots, who was also a pupil at the
school, was also in attendance to support her father Wallace
Beatty. The site was designed by, a company
specialising in the design of primary school websites.
Members of the Board of Governors, Officers from the SEELB,
former members of staff, office bearers of the PTA and members
of the school marketing group attended the launch. The
children at the school were able to log on to the site in their
classrooms at the same time. Principal, Mr Derek Capper, said,
"It is important to ensure schools utilise the potential of ICT
not only in the educational process but also to keep parents and
others aware of developments within the school. "In the past
our previous website was visited by the parents of potential
pupils who lived overseas and were returning to live in the
Anahilt area. "A new feature the school is introducing is an
email alert to parents to inform them when a new circular
hasbeen issued and therefore published on the web. "Parents
who subscribe to this facility can then ensure that they see a
copy that is often lost by the children or discovered in a
crumpled state at the bottom of the school bag. Ideally in the
future I can envisage the time when most communication with
parents will be done electronically." The school has
re-branded itself in the past year and thanks to parent Alan
Davison, of Positive Design in Belfast, the school logo has been
updated. The original Irish name of Anahilt was Eanachelte �
meaning marsh of the doe - and this has been incorporated into
the website, by following the 'doe's' paws visitors to the
website can take a virtual tour of the school. An important
part of the site is its child friendliness with links to other
sites of interest to children of primary school age. Mr Capper
said, "A key feature of the content is the amount of children's
work that can be viewed. Photographs of the children
participating in a wide range of activities demonstrates to some
extent the broad education that children who attend the school
can benefit from." The school launched a new, full colour
Prospectus in 2005. Much of the content of this is also included
in the site. The launch of the site was timed so that use
could be made of the newly installed interactive whiteboard. The
school Parent Teacher Association had provided this. The
address for the school website is
Ulster Star