Ballinderry Primary School received a special
Thank You from Heather Bamford, Action MS
Schools Projects Manager, for raising �3,395
from their sponsored walk for Action MS in
Lurgan Park. US24-742SP
BALLINDERRY Primary School received a special
thank you from Heather Bamford, Action MS Schools Projects
Manager, for raising a fantastic �3395 during their sponsored
walk for the charity in Lurgan Park.
The pupils demonstrated a lively enthusiasm
for the event, alongside a genuine interest in finding out more
about multiple sclerosis.
In thanking the school, Mrs Bamford paid
tribute to the pupils who care, the parents who encourage and
the teachers who lead by example, particularly at a time when
Action MS continues to develop one of its most vital new
services, that of working with children who have a parent with
multiple sclerosis.
In the last two years Action MS has been able
to deliver an increasing range of services.
These now include befriending, face to face
counselling, working with young children, Focus Groups whose
members' ages range from 20-40, advocacy and a purpose built
holiday home sited in Portstewart.
Action MS also continues with its core
services, such as providing support through timely and accurate
information, Medicare Breaks, a quarterly magazine, easy to
understand information booklets and Careline, a freephone
support line, which is available every evening from 7pm to 11pm
on Freephone 0800 028 88 33.
The Action MS professionally qualified staff
regularly work with children who have a parent with MS.
A Fishy Tale, a storybook written to help
children who have a parent with multiple sclerosis understand
the illness, is available free of charge to families in Northern
Please phone Action MS Headquarters on 9079
0707 to order a copy.
For information leaflets on the full range of
support now available please contact Action MS, Knockbracken
'Healthcare Park, Saintfield Road, Belfast BT8 8BH. Telephone
9079 0707 or visit the
Action MS
web site