Following their bag pack at Sainsbury's are
from right to left, Aaron Kirk, Claire
McQuillian of Sainsbury's and Norman Graham.
LISBURN men Norman Graham and Aaron Kirk are
preparing to embark on the adventure of a life-time when they
participate in Action Cancer's Himalayas and Taj Mahal Trek to
raise funds for the cancer charity next April.
Norman, 43, and Aaron, 35, will join a group
of 30 trekkers who will venture through the foothills of the
Himalayas on the 10-day trek.
Norman said: "I got involved when Aaron
mentioned it to me. He was looking to do something like this and
so was I, so when he mentioned it we decided to go for it.
"It's for a good cause and we can raise lots
of money. Action Cancer is a local charity and with their early
detection services they make a lot of difference, prevention is
better than a cure."
Participating in the challenge is both a
physical and financial challenge for Norman and Aaron as not
only will they have to build their fitness levels, they also
have a goal of �3,000 each to raise.
The pair have already raised some money by
holding football nights during the World Cup, bag packing at
Sainsbury's, which raised �615 and at the moment they are
selling ballot tickets with eight prizes to be won.
They have also written letters to local
businesses asking for their support to help them reach their
�6,000 target.
Money raised from the Himalayas and Taj Mahal
Trek will go towards Action Cancer's lifesaving cancer
prevention services, therapeutic support services and early
detection services in Northern Ireland.
Norman commented, "At the minute we are
trying to sell tickets for the draw and we are waiting on some
replies to the letters we have written. Supervalu Lisburn have
agreed to sponsor us and our bag packing went very well.
"Between the two of us we have raised �2,400
so far and we have a couple of events planned for October, with
a quiz night and a card making night." He continued, "We are
very keen to hear from sponsors. Our target is �6,000 but if we
can pass it so much the better.
"We have to have 80% of the money in by the
end of November and the rest at the end of January but we are
trying to get it early to concentrate on the fitness."
Norman and Aaron have been busy doing just
that, using various methods to prepare for the physical demands
of the trip.
Norman commented, "If anyone sees two men
walking up White Mountain carrying bags it will be us. I've also
been running and we are going to start walking in the Mournes
this weekend.
"I'm excited, but I'm a bit nervous about
getting the money, as well as the experience. We'll probably
find out a lot about ourselves on the journey. We're not going
to have the same home comforts but it's definitely worth putting
the effort in." Norman and Aaron would like to thank the staff
and management of Johnson Brothers of Lisburn, David Morrow of
Supervalu Lisburn, Sainsbury's Sprucefield and their customers
for their support.
If you feel you could sponsor or support
Norman and Aaron in any way, please contact Norman on 0777180647