Rathmore teacher Una
McKeogh and pupils, who have been
supporting her fundraising efforts.
A TEACHER at Rathmore Grammar School is
currently following in the footsteps of medieval pilgrims as she
takes part in a major cycle trek to raise money for the new
cancer unit at Belfast City Hospital.
Una McKeogh and her husband Stephen flew to
Biarritz in France on Wednesday (September 20) to begin an eight
day cycle along the Camino de Santiago (Way of St James).
The trip will take around eight days during
which Una, Stephen and their fellow cyclists will cover
approximately 100 kilometres every 24 hours.
Their final destination is Santiago de
Compostela, which is named after the Apostle St. James, and is
now considered by Unesco to be a world heritage site.
The cycle trek has been organised under the
auspices of The Friends of the City Hospital Cancer Centre.
Una and Stephen became involved because they
know leading Belfast oncologist Dr. Seamus McAleer.
"I feel it's a very worthwhile charity and
it's something I have always been interested in," said Una.
"In fact there will be three oncologists
going with us because they want to raise money to purchase more
equipment to help people fighting cancer."
Una loves cycling and routinely cycles every
Saturday morning with the Phoenix Cycling Club.
However, a great deal more training has been
necessary for the long journey she is currently undertaking
which involves cycling through France, across the Pyrennees and
into Spain.
"Over the centuries a great many people have
walked the very same route while taking part in the pilgrimage,"
added Una. Fortunately, the cyclists should have a slightly
better time than the pilgrims of the 15th and 16th centuries.
Each night they stay in either a hotel or a
hostel and their luggage is taken on by van to the next night's
All the cyclists have met their own expenses
so every penny in sponsorship raised will go to the charity.
If you would like to contribute to Una's
efforts on behalf of cancer sufferers you can do so by
contacting her at Rathmore.
Pupils have already given her their support
by organising a coffee morning to raise funds for the Cancer
Ulster Star