The American firefighters at Lisburn Museum.
A GROUP of American firefighters visited
Lisburn this week and appropriately called at the city's museum
to view the current 'Great Fire of Lisburn' exhibition.
The party was made up of representatives of
Fire Departments from various parts of the USA who share
membership of the organisation 'Firefighters for Christ'.
During their time in Northern Ireland they
are working alongside members of the Northern Ireland
Fire Service and sharing their experiences
with local church congregations.
Chuck Hermann, from Rochester in Minnesota,
spent Wednesday at Lisburn Fire Station.
He explained firefighters in the US are well
paid and one of Firefighters for Christ's main aims is to help
less fortunate members of society.
"For example we take part in construction
projects such as putting a roof back on someone's house," he
said. "Or we might buy groceries for people who cannot afford
them." Chuck said he and his colleagues were very impressed with
some of the practices they had witnessed during their time in
Northern Ireland.
"For example the accountability system for
air packs is something we do not have at home.
"It is a major improvement over what we have
in the States," he added.