Light also thrown on Lisburn property values in 1830's

Dog Kennel Lane. US4207-548C0
PROPERTY prices may be a constant subject of
speculation, but it's unlikely they'll drop to the levels of the
1830's when �260 was sufficient to build an entire complex 'just
north of Lisburn' to accommodate the Killultagh Hunt Club.
Ordnance Survey Memoirs dating from this
period describe the complex as having a yard with 'a good high
wall and a good stream of water passing through it'.
The memoirs also describe 'a neat range of
slated houses comprising the kennel, a stable and a good
dwelling house for the accommodation of the huntsman.'
They state the complex was erected 'at the
instance of the Marquis of Hertford who granted an acre of
ground for a suitable site'.
But where was this 'suitable site'? Research
carried out by Lisburn man Stanley Knox who now lives in
Saintfield Lodge at Knockbracken has come up with the answer.
Mr. Knox was keen to discover the origins of
'Dog Kennel Lane' where he grew up and
his enquiries revealed the 'Dog Kennel' referred to was actually
that of the Killultagh Hunt.
He also learned the �250 cost of the kennels
was made up among members of the hunt and refunded back to the
The site then became free with an annual
subscription of �21 from the Marquis and a like sum from his son
Lord Yarmouth.
The part of the site not occupied by the yard
and building was enclosed as a kitchen garden for the hunstman.
This information was supplied to Mr. Knox by Mr.
Trevor Hall, Assistant Keeper of Collections at Lisburn Museum.
Mr. Hall also quoted from a 'Topographical
and Historical Account of Lisburn' written in the 1830's by Henry
Bayly which described the Hunt as being in 'a very prosperous
The Marquis was said to have given its
members 'in the kindest manner' the privilege of hunting over
some of the best ground in the North of Ireland' on his estates
in Antrim and Down.
Members of the Hunt met on the first Tuesday
in each month at 1.00pm in the Hertford Arms Hotel to 'appoint
the places of meeting for the hounds during the month and to
transact the general business of the Hunt.
Mr. Knox also learned the hounds hunted on
Wednesday and Saturday and
each Hunt member in succession named the place of
Ulster Star