Dr. Margaret Patterson
A LOCAL scientist, Dr. Margaret Patterson of the
Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI), has received an
award for professionalism and contributions to food science,
especially through her work on food processing. Margaret, from
Carryduff, was presented with the prestigious award during the
Institute of Food Technologists conference in Chicago attended
by 18,000 delegates. She is the first person from the United
Kingdom to receive this award.
"It is great to have the work of the AFBI
research team recognised internationally and it is a good news
story for NI" she said. Margaret is a Principal Scientific
Officer within AFBI and is leading a research programme on novel
processing techniques to improve food safety and quality,
especially through the use of high pressure technology. AFBI's
food research facilities are unique within Europe and this
research team is working closely with a number of food companies
and other scientific institutes within UK, Ireland and mainland