Some of the Beekeepers from
Dromore Beekeepers' Association with their guests
from County Louth Beekeepers' Association at the
annual barbecue and demonstration at Downshire
Primary School, Hillsborough.
DESPITE a cold and damp day the Beekeepers
from Dromore and County Louth enjoyed an excellent demonstration
and barbecue recently thanks to the covered play area at
Downshire Primary School, Hillsborough.
Mervyn Eddie, Billy Douglas and Gail Orr
organised the demonstration, Mervyn and Billy taught the
assembled beekeepers how to transplant day old larvae and placed
some of them in a larvae transport box where thousands of young
worker bees nurtured them to start on their development as queen
The following day Norman Walsh took larvae to
those members who had prepared colonies of bees to receive them.
Anne Wilson, with a willing band of helpers,
organised and prepared the food; barbecued steak and burgers
plus all the trimmings followed by a large selection of sweets.
The guests from Louth were most appreciative
of both the demonstration and hospitality and presented gifts to
the Dromore Association